Complimentary EBook

The Power of One: Digital Matter Files
How to Create a Single Source of Truth for Matter Files
You likely have emails, files, PDFs and a wide variety of physical and digital files stored in multiple locations which can lead to siloed information and increased risk for your firm.

As law firms move increasingly digital, they face a potential side effect of this dispersed storage: siloed information. This, combined with an aversion to shredding paper for fear of losing something important, leads to a disorganized mess of files; making it difficult to find information and maintain confidence that files are stored securely.

Download this eBook to explore the importance of embracing the digital world, especially as it relates to the matter file, and learn:

  • What a digital matter file is and how it decreases your firm’s risk
  • The benefits of moving to a digital matter file, including hard cost and staff time savings
  • Four steps to getting started with digital storage
The Power of One: Digital Matter Files

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